Mr.Riadh Al Asfoor, the founder and managing partner, was an Omani national and he was licensed to practice the profession of auditing and financial consultancy in the year 1987. He is a leading name in the professional field in Oman and has carved a name for himself in this field.
Sanil Varghese, Chartered accountant, is the Associate Partner in Consultancy division and he has more than 30+ years experience in audit, financial consultancy and taxation in India as well as the Sultanate of Oman. He was instrumental in the execution of many consultancy assignments in Oman. He is also well versed with international financial reporting standards and international auditing standards.
Gomathisankaran, Chartered Accountant, is the Nominal Partner in Audit division and has more than 25 years of experience in finance & audit both in India and the Sultanate of Oman. He is well versed with international financial reporting standards and international auditing standards.
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